Prof. Nesbitt is the Associate Head and Director of Graduate Studies in the Department of Atmospheric Sciances. He leads a research group comprised of research staff, graduate students and undergraduate researchers, where his research and teaching interests reside in atmospheric observations including the remote sensing of precipitation using radar and passive microwave sensors, observations and modeling of mesoscale and cloud dynamics and microphysics, land-atmosphere interaction, as well as data science and high-performance computation. He has participated in and led numerous field campaigns spanning four continents using radar, aircraft, and in situ instrumentation. He has taught courses in synoptic and mesoscale meteorology and weather forecasting, remote sensing, radar meteorology, tropical meteorology, mesoscale modeling, and geophysical data analysis and python programming.
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PhD in Meteorology, 2003
University of Utah
MS in Meteorology, 1999
Texas A&M University
BS with honors summa cum laude, 1997
SUNY Oswego
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